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10 Truths You Should Know About the 666

The number 666 is the number of His name, Jose Luis De Jesus – The Man Christ Jesus. In this number there is prosperity and knowledge (Revelation 13:18).

As it is written, “Length of days is in the right hand; and in the left, riches and honor” (Proverbs 3:16), it can be seen that the tattoos of the Man Christ Jesus are the fulfillment of the Scripture. In fact, all biblical conditions of the second coming of the Lord are fulfilled by Apostle Jose Luis De Jesus. In his right arm he has SSS that stands for “Salvo Siempre Salvo” (Saved Always Saved in Spanish) which means length of days (immortality) and in his left arm the 666 synonymous with riches (1 Kings 10:14). The tattoos of the SSS and the 666 are not human whims or marketing strategies to draw attention (as the ignorant claim), but rather they are simply part of the prophetic fulfillment of the coming of the Lord.

The following are 10 truths that have driven more than 30 nations to mark themselves with the mark of the beast:

1. The objective of hosting special "666 Tattoo Days" is to educate humanity about the mission of the Man Christ Jesus and the true meaning of the book Revelations.

2. The mission of the Man Christ Jesus is to undo the apostasy in which religion has placed upon the church by preaching a false gospel (2nd Thessalonians 2:8, Galatians 1:6-9).

3. The apostasy stems from the Apostles who forced people to continue following and imitating Jesus of Nazareth and his Jewish practices (1 John 2:6). As such, they have kept the church trapped in Moses’ law (1 John 3:24) which expired 2008 years ago, thereby denying them access to the new pact, intimidating them with demons, sin, hell, eternal judgment, and impressing them with false powers of miracles and signs (2nd Thessalonians 2:8-11; Hebrews 6:1-2).

4. The doctrine of Grace which the Apostle Paul taught invited the church to leave behind the Judaism expressed in the Mosaic Law. It stresses that in order to walk into perfection and maturity, it is now by faith and not by works (Galatians 3:19-29; Romans 3:28).

5. When John refers to the Apostle Paul, he calls him the Antichrist (2 Juan 1:7). Later, in his apocalyptic vision in the book of Revelations, he also referred to the angel he saw continuing Paul’s works as an Antichrist and Beast (Revelation 13:11-18), ignoring the fact this was Jesus Christ himself in his second coming.

6. The Man Christ Jesus is the Antichrist for teaching the church to abandon the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, thereby continuing the works of the Apostle Paul (Hebrews 6:1; Revelation 13:12).

7. The purpose of the 666 tattoo is to undo myths and fear to the true identity of the Beast and Antichrist. It also invites the church to abandon the Law of Moses expressed in the commandments (2nd Corinthians 3:6-7) and to value the scope of the real sacrifice on the cross which was to establish something new. This enables believers to escape from the hands of religious leaders that have lied and enslaved them for 2,000 years (Galatians 3:10-14) and inherit what already belongs to them (Ephesians 1:7-14).

8. The tattoo also announces that the apocalyptic beast John wrote about in Revelation was actually Jesus Christ in his second coming who was stamped with the 666. In the same manner as he came in a human body (Jesus of Nazareth) for his first manifestation, he does it again for the second time - in a human body (Jose Luis De Jesus) in order to judge all things in accordance with the gospel of Paul (Romans 2:16). He is here to end the apostasy that has oppressed, impoverished, and saddened the church.

9. Any creed that holds the doctrine of Jesus of Nazareth as a foundation is in
apostasy, under curse and in slavery; one which binds the church to an old covenant that no longer applies. This old covenant was given to the Jews in a temporary manner (Galatians 3:10-14) that is why Jesus of Nazareth had to live as a Jew under the Law of Moses (Galatians 4:4) He died to remove the commandments that were against us (Colossians 2:14) and three days later resurrected. He revealed himself to the Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus. Here, he established the new covenant based on better promises; the doctrine applicable to the Gentiles (Galatians 1:11-24) which Paul diligently wrote in 14 epistles.

10. The number 666 is a number of man; it is the number that identifies Jesus Christ in his second coming. As a man, he can teach and be a mediator with the gospel of grace in order to free the church from slavery of the law and to take her to perfection by renewing their understanding.

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