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When this phrase is heard, it generates fear in the listener and is immediately related to Satan, however, it is necessary to investigate and verify its real meaning. First, let’s understand what the expression “beast” means which was used by John (Apostle of circumcision) in order to narrate some of his visions in the Island of Patmos. You will see that the beast mentioned by John is not an unidentifiable monster, nor a supernatural figure…

but rather the second coming of Christ: Jose Luis De Jesus (http://www.cegenglish.com/)

Human beings have always been included within the animal kingdom, where we have been taught that there are irrational and rational animals, the latter one being man. This is why animal and beast are synonymous and are both forms of identifying human nature. In fact, the great Apostle Paul referred to those of the circumcision as ‘bad beasts’, making reference to the expression used by the prophet (Titus 1:12). It is also evident that throughout the Scripture the expression ‘beast’ is used to refer to human beings (Job 18:3, Psalm 49:12-20).

In the visions that God sent to John through an angel from heaven, this apostle of circumcision saw a ‘man’ (a beast) who was given all authority over all tribes, languages, towns and nations (Revelations 13:7). Obviously, that authority could only be given to God himself. That ‘man’ or ‘beast’ is identified with a number by which John said: “Here is wisdom, let him hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (Revelations 13:18). Once again, this confirms that beast and man is synonymous, but not only that, it also establishes that his number would be six hundred and sixty six ‘666’ or ‘SSS’. John himself also emphasizes that “Here is wisdom”, meaning that in this number there is knowledge. It is important to note that it does not say that 666 is the number of the devil or that it is satanic.

In summary...
John saw a man that was identified with the number 666 in his right arm, a man that had authority, one who beat the holy, meaning the church. Why did John refer to him contemptuously? Why did he identify him as a BEAST? It’s simple. John saw that this man preached the same gospel of Paul and that he opposed the preaching of the apostles of Jesus of Nazareth, which was motive enough to think he was seeing the worst human manifestation that would come to Earth.

From this, religion accepts and believes John’s conclusions and considers ‘the beast’ as the worst. But who was that man (beast) that John saw? It was the last manifestation of God on Earth, the Son of Man: Jesus Christ Man (1 to Timothy 2:5). The one and only who could have authority over every tribe, language, town and nation is God himself; the only one who could beat the holy is him, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3).

The Mark:

Isaiah prophesied that in his second coming, God himself would do the following: “The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God” (Isaiah 52:10). This prophecy was fulfilled on Sunday, January 21, 2007 when Jesus Christ Man bared his arm before all nations to show his tattoo of the triple ‘S’ (SSS) on his right arm, and the six hundred sixty six (666) on his left arm, thus confirming that he is God in his manifestation as a man that has come to beat the holy.

As it is written, “Length of days is in the right hand; and in the left, riches and honor” (Proverbs 3:16), it can be seen that the tattoos of Jesus Christ Man are the fulfillment of the Scripture. In fact, all biblical conditions of the second coming of the Lord are fulfilled by Apostle Jose Luis De Jesus. In his right arm he has SSS that stands for “Saved Always Saved” in Spanish, which means length of days (immortality) and in his left arm the 666 synonymous with riches (1 Kings 10:14). The tattoos of the SSS and the 666 are not human whims or marketing strategies to draw attention (as the ignorant claim), but rather they are simply part of the prophetic fulfillment of the coming of the Lord.

Remember that John said: “Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast…” Only one with knowledge, one who is converted to the Lord, one who is enlightened can understand the knowledge that is in that mark and can understand God’s request to his wife (the church) when he says: “Set me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thy arm…” (Song of Solomon 8:6-7). Today, those of us who have understood that Apostle Jose Luis De Jesus is God in his last human manifestation, bear with pride the mark in our bodies and the seal in our minds - the one which he placed when he taught us the truth of the gospel, which we hear and believe (Ephesians 1:13).

The mark of the beast – that is, the mark of Jesus Christ Man - is a mark of love, a tattoo that shows the world our love for Him, that we are not ashamed of Him or his gospel, and that we are completely convinced he is God almighty who created heaven and Earth, who donned flesh in Jesus of Nazareth in order to destroy the devil and remove sin. He who today donned flesh again for the last time and is the biblical fulfillment of his last coming in order to beat the holy and save them from the deceit of religion (Hebrews 9:28)

Dear Reader:

Without understanding that the Devil was destroyed (Hebrews 9:26), that the apostles of Jesus of Nazareth teach a different Jesus, another spirit and another gospel (2 Corinthians 11:4-5), and without understanding the pact of grace, one will never find the knowledge that is within the 666.

NOTE: Revelations was a series of visions that God sent to John through an angel from heaven (Revelations 1:1, Galatians 1:6-9). God sent a deceitful power to John so that he would not submit to the truth of the gospel that Paul brought (2 Thessalonians 2: 10-12). He sent him visions that hid codes that only God himself would decipher in his second coming (1 Corinthians 4:5), but in the meantime would serve as the solid base of religion in order to put doubt in what Christ did on the cross.

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